
Tectubi Raccordi France is now part of GIFEN

Tectubi Raccordi SpA is pleased to announce that it has joined GIFEN (Groupment des Industriels Français de l'Energie Nucléaire) which actively contributes to the development of the French nuclear industry.
Together with Tectubi Raccordi SpA France, also other two French companies of Allied Group, BSL Pipes & Fittings and Interfit, will be protagonists of the French nuclear renaissance.
With more than 50 years of experience and mastery of the entire nuclear energy production chain, the French nuclear industry is a key player in building a low-carbon future: we are honoured to be part of it.

Websites of the Group

Phocéenne SAS, Division Piping Technologies - Siège social / Registered office: 10 Boulevard de Pythagore, domaine de Couperigne, 13127 Vitrolles, France -
Capital social/ Paid capital € 50,000 - Chambre du Commerce / Chamber of Commerce RCS Marseille B 877951673 - TVA/ VAT No. FR63877951673
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